Introduction: Indulge in the savory flavors of Italy with a homemade Italian sub crafted to perfection, all while staying on track with your Weight Watchers journey. This customized recipe brings together layers of flavor and texture, showcasing the best ingredients to satisfy your cravings while keeping points in check. From the boldness of boiled ham to the zestiness of pepperoni, complemented by the freshness of vegetables and the tanginess of Italian dressing, each bite promises to transport you to the bustling streets of Italy.

Ingredients: Let’s explore the carefully selected ingredients that come together to create this tantalizing Italian sub:

  1. Boiled Ham (2 oz): Start your sub with tender, thinly sliced boiled ham, adding a savory note that anchors the entire sandwich. With just 2 points, it’s a guilt-free indulgence.
  2. Turkey Pepperoni (12 slices): Spice up your sub with the bold flavor of turkey pepperoni, providing a satisfying kick without the added points. At just 1 point, it’s the perfect addition to your sandwich.
  3. Ultra Thin Swiss Cheese (1 slice): Layer on a slice of ultra-thin Swiss cheese, adding a creamy texture and subtle nuttiness to each bite. With only 1 point, it’s a flavorful addition that won’t weigh you down.
  4. Fresh Tomato and Red Onion: Add brightness and crunch to your sub with slices of fresh tomato and red onion, enhancing both flavor and visual appeal. These zero-point ingredients provide a burst of freshness that complements the savory elements of the sandwich.
  5. Lettuce: Incorporate crisp, leafy lettuce into your sub for added texture and a touch of greenery. With zero points, it’s a guilt-free way to bulk up your sandwich and add extra freshness.
  6. Fat-Free Italian Dressing (1 tsp): Drizzle your sub with a teaspoon of fat-free Italian dressing, infusing each layer with zesty flavor without adding unnecessary points. It’s the perfect finishing touch to tie all the ingredients together.
  7. Oregano and Pepper: Sprinkle on a pinch of dried oregano and freshly ground pepper to elevate the flavors of your Italian sub, adding depth and complexity without any additional points.
  8. Joseph’s Lavash Bread (1/2): Finally, encase your flavorful fillings in half a Joseph’s Lavash bread, providing a sturdy yet light base for your sandwich. With just 1 point, it’s the ideal vessel for delivering all the deliciousness of your Italian sub.

Instructions: Let’s walk through the steps to assemble your perfect Italian sub:

  1. Prepare Your Ingredients: Start by gathering all your ingredients and preparing them for assembly. Slice the boiled ham, tomato, red onion, and Swiss cheese thinly for optimal layering.
  2. Layer the Fillings: Lay out the Joseph’s Lavash bread on a clean surface and begin layering your fillings. Start with the boiled ham, followed by the turkey pepperoni, Swiss cheese, tomato slices, red onion, and lettuce.
  3. Season to Taste: Sprinkle the sandwich with dried oregano and freshly ground pepper, adjusting the seasoning to your preference. These aromatic spices will enhance the flavors of your sub without adding any extra points.
  4. Drizzle with Italian Dressing: Finish off your Italian sub by drizzling a teaspoon of fat-free Italian dressing over the top. This tangy dressing will tie all the flavors together and provide a burst of zesty goodness.
  5. Wrap and Enjoy: Carefully roll up the lavash bread around the fillings to create a tight, compact sandwich. Slice it in half diagonally for a beautiful presentation and enjoy your homemade Italian sub.

Nutritional Information: Indulge in the flavors of Italy without guilt, as each serving of this Weight Watchers-friendly Italian sub contains just 5 points. With its balanced combination of protein, vegetables, and flavor-packed ingredients, it’s a satisfying meal option that fits seamlessly into your healthy eating plan.

Conclusion: In conclusion, crafting your own Italian sub at home allows you to customize every aspect of the sandwich to your liking while staying true to your Weight Watchers goals. With a thoughtful selection of ingredients and careful portioning, you can enjoy all the flavors of Italy without sacrificing flavor or satisfaction. Whether you’re craving a hearty lunch or a satisfying dinner, this Italian sub recipe is sure to hit the spot. So go ahead, indulge in the deliciousness of homemade goodness and savor every bite of your Weight Watchers-approved Italian sub.

Italian sub

I was so in the mood for an Italian sub so I decided to make one, my way.
5 pts
2 oz boiled ham 2 pts
12 slices Turkey pepperoni 1 pt
1 slice ultra thin Swiss 1 pt
Tomato 0
Red onion 0
Lettuce 0
1 tsp FF Italian dressing 0
Oregano 0
Pepper 0
1/2 Joseph’s lavish bread 1 pt
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