Weight Watchers Tiramisu Pudding Cups: A Low Point Delight


Indulging in a rich dessert doesn’t have to derail your Weight Watchers journey, and these Tiramisu Pudding Cups are the perfect proof. With layers of creamy pudding, coffee-soaked ladyfingers, and a dusting of cocoa, this recipe captures the essence of traditional tiramisu while keeping it light and low in points. This delightful dessert is easy to prepare and can be made ahead of time, making it an excellent choice for entertaining or a sweet treat at the end of the day. Let’s dive into the detailed recipe, including ingredients, step-by-step instructions, nutritional information, and expert tips.


For the Pudding:

  • 2 cups unsweetened almond milk (approximately 1 point)
  • 1 package (1 oz) sugar-free instant vanilla pudding mix (approximately 1 point)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (approximately 0 points)
  • 2 tablespoons powdered sugar (approximately 1 point)

For the Coffee Mixture:

  • 1 cup brewed coffee, cooled (0 points)
  • 2 tablespoons coffee liqueur (optional) (approximately 2 points, optional)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (approximately 0 points)

For Assembly:

  • 6 sugar-free ladyfingers (approximately 3 points)
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder (approximately 1 point)
  • 1/2 cup light whipped topping (like Cool Whip Lite) (approximately 2 points)

Total SmartPoints

  • Total Points for Entire Recipe: Approximately 11 points.
  • Per Serving: If serving in 4 cups, each serving is approximately 2.75 points.

Equipment Needed

  1. Mixing bowls: For preparing the pudding and coffee mixture.
  2. Whisk: For combining the pudding and almond milk.
  3. Measuring cups and spoons: For precise ingredient measurements.
  4. Serving cups or bowls: For layering and presenting the tiramisu.
  5. Sifter: For dusting cocoa powder (optional).


Step 1: Prepare the Pudding (Approx. 5 minutes)

  1. Combine Almond Milk and Pudding Mix: In a mixing bowl, whisk together 2 cups of unsweetened almond milk and 1 package of sugar-free instant vanilla pudding mix. Whisk vigorously for about 2 minutes until the mixture thickens.
  2. Add Vanilla and Sweetener: Stir in 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar. Mix until fully incorporated. Set aside to let it thicken further while you prepare the coffee mixture.

Step 2: Prepare the Coffee Mixture (Approx. 5 minutes)

  1. Brew the Coffee: Brew 1 cup of coffee and allow it to cool. If you enjoy the flavor, add 2 tablespoons of coffee liqueur to the coffee mixture for an authentic tiramisu taste.
  2. Mix Ingredients: In a separate bowl, combine the cooled coffee with 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Stir gently to blend.

Step 3: Prepare the Ladyfingers (Approx. 5 minutes)

  1. Soak the Ladyfingers: Quickly dip 6 sugar-free ladyfingers into the coffee mixture, ensuring they absorb the flavor without becoming too soggy. Allow them to soak for 1-2 seconds on each side, then remove and place them on a plate.

Step 4: Assemble the Tiramisu Cups (Approx. 10 minutes)

  1. Layer the Ingredients: In your serving cups, start with a layer of the pudding mixture at the bottom. Spoon in a generous amount to create a base.
  2. Add Ladyfingers: Break the soaked ladyfingers as necessary to fit the cup and place them on top of the pudding layer.
  3. Repeat Layers: Add another layer of pudding over the ladyfingers, followed by more soaked ladyfingers. Repeat this process until you reach the top of your cups, finishing with a layer of pudding.

Step 5: Final Touches (Approx. 5 minutes)

  1. Top with Whipped Topping: Spoon 1/2 cup of light whipped topping evenly over the last layer of pudding. This adds a creamy texture reminiscent of traditional tiramisu.
  2. Dust with Cocoa: Sift 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder over the top of each cup for a finishing touch. This adds a beautiful presentation and enhances the chocolate flavor.

Step 6: Chill and Serve (2 hours)

  1. Chill the Cups: Cover the pudding cups with plastic wrap or lids and refrigerate for at least 2 hours to allow the flavors to meld and the dessert to set properly.
  2. Serve Chilled: Once chilled, your Tiramisu Pudding Cups are ready to be served. Enjoy the delightful blend of flavors and textures in each bite!

Nutritional Information (Per Serving)

  • Calories: Approximately 120
  • Total Fat: 3g
  • Saturated Fat: 1g
  • Sodium: 200mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 17g
  • Dietary Fiber: 1g
  • Sugars: 2g
  • Protein: 4g
  • SmartPoints: Approximately 2.75 points per serving.

Tips for Success

  • Make Ahead: These pudding cups can be prepared a day in advance, making them a perfect dessert for gatherings or meal prep.
  • Adjust Sweetness: Feel free to adjust the sweetness by varying the amount of powdered sugar or experimenting with other sweeteners.
  • Experiment with Flavors: Consider adding a layer of chocolate pudding or using flavored coffee for a unique twist.


  • Vegan Version: Substitute almond milk with coconut milk or any plant-based milk, and use dairy-free whipped topping to make it vegan-friendly.
  • Chocolate Lovers: Incorporate layers of chocolate pudding between the layers for a rich chocolate tiramisu experience.
  • Fruit Addition: Add a layer of fresh raspberries or strawberries for a fruity twist that pairs beautifully with coffee and chocolate.


These Tiramisu Pudding Cups provide a deliciously indulgent dessert option that fits perfectly within your Weight Watchers plan. With each creamy layer, you’ll experience the classic flavors of tiramisu while enjoying a guilt-free treat. Whether for a special occasion or a sweet end to your day, these cups are sure to impress. Treat yourself and your loved ones to this delightful dessert, and enjoy the satisfaction of staying on track with your wellness journey!