Weight Watchers Strawberry Cool Whip Sundae – 5 Points: A Delightful and Smart Dessert


Indulge in a guilt-free treat with our Weight Watchers Strawberry Cool Whip Sundae—a delightful and smart dessert that satisfies your sweet cravings while keeping your points in check. This easy-to-make sundae combines the freshness of strawberries, the creaminess of Cool Whip, and the crunch of graham crackers for a perfect balance of flavors.

Smart Ingredient Choices

Crafted with a mindful touch, this sundae features smart ingredient choices to create a delicious dessert without excessive points. Utilize fresh strawberries, light or sugar-free Cool Whip, and reduced-fat graham crackers for a guilt-free indulgence.

Fresh Strawberries

Incorporate fresh strawberries for natural sweetness and a burst of vitamins. The strawberries add a vibrant and juicy element to the sundae without compromising your commitment to smart eating.

Light or Sugar-Free Cool Whip

Choose light or sugar-free Cool Whip to maintain the creamy and dreamy texture without unnecessary points. This choice ensures a satisfying and indulgent experience while aligning with your Weight Watchers goals.

Reduced-Fat Graham Crackers

Opt for reduced-fat graham crackers to add a crunchy and flavorful element to the sundae. These crackers provide a satisfying base without excessive points, completing the texture profile of the dessert.

Layering Brilliance

Assemble your sundae with layers of sliced strawberries, dollops of Cool Whip, and crumbled graham crackers. The layering technique ensures a well-balanced bite with every spoonful.

Smart Portion Control

Serve your Weight Watchers Strawberry Cool Whip Sundae in reasonable portions to practice smart portion control. This approach allows you to enjoy the sweetness of the dessert without going over your daily SmartPoints.

Serving Suggestions

Garnish your sundae with a mint leaf or a drizzle of sugar-free chocolate sauce for an extra touch of decadence. Whether enjoyed as a solo treat or a delightful ending to a meal, this sundae brings the joy of strawberries and cream in a health-conscious and delicious manner.

Conclusion: Guilt-Free Sweetness

In conclusion, Weight Watchers Strawberry Cool Whip Sundae – 5 Points offers guilt-free sweetness within the points framework. With smart ingredient choices, layering brilliance, and a commitment to smart points, this dessert invites you to savor the pleasure of a strawberry sundae without compromising your wellness journey. Make it a regular feature in your dessert repertoire, celebrating the satisfaction that comes with this Weight Watchers-friendly treat—a perfect blend of sweetness and health-consciousness.

Long before Weight Watchers, I have been a fan of ice cream, strawberries, Cool Whip and dark chocolate. I mean, who isn’t? But I have truly making recipes using Cool Whip (with everything else you can imagine) for decades. It’s one of my most favorite dessert mix ins and toppings ever. You are not going to believe how delicious my latest Weight Watchers Strawberry Cool Whip Sundae is. I think the pics I took look pretty amazing and trust me, it tastes even better.

I think this is the perfect recipe for absolutely any occasion. I make it often, for dessert any time of year, but it also makes a wonderful addition to any holiday occasion where guests might go crazy for a luscious and low WW points treat.

I make a delicious treat every Thanksgiving and I call it “Cherry Surprise.” It is made of Cool Whip and cherry pie filling and a few other things and it is an absolute crowd pleaser. I try to change things up every year with just a little something new on the holiday table. But, when I ask the family what they want me to make, Cherry Surprise always makes the list. Something tells me my Weight Watchers Strawberry Cool Whip Sundae is going to be there too!

Get Creative With this Recipe

This Weight Watchers Strawberry Cool Whip Sundae recipe is SO easy to have fun with.

You can swap out the strawberry frozen yogurt for any flavor of yogurt or light ice cream you choose. For instance, when I made this batch, I used a mixture of The Frozen Farmers brand of Farm Crafted Strawberry Sorbet that is just 1 point per serving. I mixed it with Halo Top light strawberry ice cream, that is just 2 points per serving. Both are amazing alone, but mixed together, voila! (I found both at Safeway btw – if that helps)

You can use all sorbet, all frozen yogurt, or all light ice cream, or any mixture of each. Just be sure they are in the 1 to 2 points per serving range to keep the recipe a 5pt WW treat – if you are going for that. If not, feel free to make it with anything you choose.

I think next time I make this I’m going to visit my local Menchie’s and see what sugar flavors they have. I truly believe any flavor in this gorgeous dessert would be AMAZING.

So This Recipe Has Some Chocolate

I was all ready to use regular Hershey’s Syrup to make this recipe but I was shopping at Walmart for all the ingredients. I was so lucky to find their brand of sugar free chocolate syrup that is ZERO points. You can only imagine how happy that made me.

The recipe is SO super easy to make it’s ridiculous. It does take a bit of planning because once you assemble it, you need to refreeze it to get it solid again. I recommend just getting ready the first three ingredients to make the crust and load it up with ice cream or frozen yogurt and then cover and set it back into the freezer to set. It will take maybe 2 hours.

After that, you can get everything else ready, assemble the dessert and then back into the freezer it goes until it hardens. More like 6 or so hours this time. Of course, it all depending on the temperature of your freezer. 6 hours is what mine took. So, that makes this Weight Watchers Strawberry Cool Whip Sundae recipe the perfect thing to assemble a day (or a week) ahead of time. Then, just pull it out twenty minutes before serving time and you and yours are ready for a delectable treat.

The way I have this recipe set up it will make 12 servings. To be exceedingly honest, the dark chocolate almonds have the most points in the entire Strawberry Cool Whip Sundae dessert. So, if you want an even lower point treat, you can remove those and the treat becomes approximately 3 points per serving.

However, I will be honest and tell you that I can’t live without the chocolate almonds on my Strawberry Cool Whip Sundae treat. But, a little bit does go a very long way. So, feel free to use all the chocolate almonds, use a little less or use none at all. Your choice!


  • 3/4 cup graham cracker crumbs Roughly 5 full sized crackers
  • 2 tbsp light brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp melted butter
  • 4 cups strawberry frozen yogurt or light ice cream I mixed two cups of each kind & it was fabulous
  • 1/2 cup fat free no sugar hot fudge Walmart carries Sugar Free Chocolate Syrup ZERO Points
  • 1-2 medium sliced banana feel free to use any fruit you like; blue berries, pineapple, orange slices, etc. Any would taste amazing
  • 8 oz Cool Whip Lite Just 1 Pt per serving
  • 15 dark chocolate covered almonds – chopped


  • Set out the light ice cream or frozen yogurt approximately 20 minutes so it will be nice and softened
  • You will start this recipe with just some of the ingredients as you will need to freeze it prior to finishing and serving. Trust me…it will be worth the wait
  • Coat an 8×8 baking pan with Pam no stick spray
  • Chop up the graham crackers in large mixing bowl and add melted butter and brown sugar. Mix
  • Layer and press the graham cracker crust into banking pan. Pour the frozen yogurt or ice cream (or am mix) over the graham crust. Cover and freeze for at least two hours
  • Now you will need the rest of the ingredients
  • Remove the yogurt mixture from freezer and pour the chocolate syrup on top while yogurt is still nice and frozen
  • Slice up the bananas and layer them on top of chocolate syrup
  • Spread the cool whip on top of the bananas
  • Sprinkle with the chopped chocolate almonds and refreeze for 6 to 7 hours
  • Pull out of freezer 20 minutes prior to serving.
  • Cut into 12 pieces and Enjoy!
  • Each serving is 5 WW points & approximately 235 calories