Introduction: Embark on a captivating culinary journey with our Weight Watchers Creamy Lemon Cup Sorbet—a masterful symphony of flavors that marries the zesty vibrancy of lemons with the velvety richness of coconut cream. This ethereal dessert transcends the ordinary, offering a guilt-free indulgence that aligns seamlessly with your wellness goals. Join us as we unravel the artistry behind this extraordinary sorbet, presenting a step-by-step guide to crafting these luminous lemon cups that promise to elevate your dessert experience.


For the Lemon Cups:

  1. 6 lemons, with ends cut off and pulp removed
  2. 1 can coconut cream, frozen into cubes
  3. 4-5 tbsp maple syrup
  4. 1/4 cup lemon juice
  5. 2 lemons, peeled and cut in half, then frozen
  6. 1 drop lemon essential oil (optional)


  1. Lemon Cup Preparation:
    • Begin by preparing the enchanting lemon cups. Carefully cut off the ends of six lemons and skillfully remove the pulp, leaving behind pristine cups that will cradle the sorbet.
  2. Coconut Cream Elegance:
    • Elevate the richness of the sorbet with coconut cream frozen into cubes. The choice of coconut cream introduces a luscious creaminess, transforming each bite into a decadent experience.
  3. Maple Syrup Symphony:
    • Infuse a delicate sweetness into the sorbet with 4-5 tablespoons of maple syrup. This natural sweetener not only complements the tartness of the lemons but also aligns harmoniously with Weight Watchers principles.
  4. Lemon Juice Brilliance:
    • Harness the bright acidity of lemon juice by incorporating 1/4 cup into the sorbet mixture. This addition intensifies the citrus notes, creating a sorbet that is both refreshing and invigorating.
  5. Frozen Lemon Elegance:
    • Introduce an element of surprise by freezing two lemons, peeled and cut in half. This frozen lemon inclusion enhances the texture of the sorbet, offering delightful frozen pockets of lemony brilliance.
  6. Optional Essential Oil Accent:
    • Elevate the aromatic profile with a single drop of optional lemon essential oil. This choice adds a nuanced layer to the sorbet, infusing it with an essence of pure lemon fragrance. Ensure the use of a high-quality, culinary-grade essential oil.
  7. Precision in Measurement:
    • Foster a commitment to precision by using measuring utensils for the maple syrup and lemon juice. This meticulous approach guarantees a well-balanced sorbet, where each ingredient plays a distinct role in the symphony of flavors.
  8. Frozen Coconut Cream Cubes:
    • Freeze coconut cream into cubes, ensuring a delightful creaminess without the need for additional dairy. This strategic frozen element forms the foundation for the creamy texture of the sorbet.
  9. Blending Alchemy:
    • Engage in a blending alchemy by combining the frozen coconut cream cubes, maple syrup, lemon juice, and optional lemon essential oil in a high-powered blender. Blend until a velvety smooth consistency is achieved.
  10. Chilling the Sorbet Mixture:
    • Allow the sorbet mixture to chill in the refrigerator for approximately 2 hours. This resting period facilitates the melding of flavors, resulting in a sorbet with a refined and harmonious taste profile.
  11. Sorbet Infusion Ritual:
    • Embrace the sorbet infusion ritual by incorporating the frozen lemon halves. This step introduces an element of surprise, creating a dynamic textural contrast within the sorbet cups.
  12. Artful Lemon Cup Filling:
    • Artfully fill each prepared lemon cup with the chilled sorbet mixture. This meticulous process ensures that each cup becomes a canvas for the mesmerizing fusion of flavors.
  13. Essence of Optional Essential Oil:
    • If opting for the essential oil, ensure it is of the highest quality and derived from culinary-grade sources. This attention to detail guarantees that the essence adds a subtle layer of aromatic sophistication without overpowering the palate.
  14. Frozen Lemon Cup Setting:
    • Place the filled lemon cups in the freezer and let the sorbet set for at least 4 hours or, ideally, overnight. This patient setting period ensures a sorbet that is luxuriously smooth and perfectly frozen.
  15. Presentation Mastery:
    • Master the art of presentation by garnishing each sorbet-filled lemon cup with frozen lemon slices. This visually striking addition not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also acts as a refreshing palate cleanser.
  16. Optional Garnish:
    • Elevate the visual allure further with optional garnishes such as a sprinkle of edible flowers or a dusting of coconut flakes. These finishing touches transform the sorbet cups into an exquisite dessert spectacle.
  17. Serving Temperature Balance:
    • Prior to serving, allow the lemon cups to sit at room temperature for a few minutes to achieve the perfect balance of creaminess and scoopability. This thoughtful touch ensures a velvety mouthfeel with each spoonful.
  18. Health-Conscious Citrus Bliss:
    • Emphasize the health-conscious aspects of this sorbet, celebrating the use of natural sweeteners and the absence of dairy. This choice aligns seamlessly with Weight Watchers principles, offering a guilt-free indulgence.
  19. Interactive Dessert Experience:
    • Transform your website into an interactive dessert experience by encouraging your audience to share their own interpretations of this Creamy Lemon Cup Sorbet. This fosters a sense of community and a shared passion for mindful indulgence.
  20. Culinary Legacy of Citrus Splendor:
    • Conclude the narrative of the Creamy Lemon Cup Sorbet by highlighting its role in a culinary legacy that celebrates the splendor of citrus. Encourage your audience to savor every spoonful, recognizing that this dessert embodies the artistry of a health-conscious and indulgent lifestyle.