Low-Point Apple Sweet Tacos

If you’re craving a sweet treat but are mindful of your points, these apple sweet tacos are the perfect solution. They are quick, easy, and satisfy your sweet tooth without breaking your diet. Let’s dive into the detailed recipe, complete with tips and variations.


  • Taco Shells: 0 points per shell (check your specific brand for points)
  • Sugar-Free Apple Pie Filling: 1/8 cup per taco (0 points)
  • Ground Cinnamon: 0 points
  • Pam Cooking Spray: For spraying the pan


  1. Preheat Oven: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) to ensure it’s ready when your tacos are prepared.
  2. Prepare the Taco Shells: Lay out your taco shells. These can usually be found in the bread aisle at Walmart or your local grocery store.
  3. Chop the Apples: Even though you’re using a sugar-free apple pie filling, chopping the apple pieces a bit more finely will help with even distribution and make the tacos easier to roll.
  4. Prepare the Filling: Measure out 1/8 cup of the sugar-free apple pie filling for each taco shell. This amount helps keep the filling at 0 points per taco.
  5. Fill the Shells: Spoon the chopped apple pie filling into each shell. Be sure to place the filling closer to one edge so you can easily roll the shell.
  6. Roll the Shells: Roll each taco shell gently but firmly, ensuring the filling stays inside.
  7. Spray the Pan: Spray a baking pan with Pam cooking spray to prevent sticking and ensure even baking.
  8. Place in Pan: Lay the rolled tacos seam-side down in the prepared pan. This helps keep them closed while baking.
  9. Sprinkle with Cinnamon: Generously sprinkle ground cinnamon over the top of the rolled tacos. Cinnamon adds a lovely flavor without any points.
  10. Bake: Place the pan in the preheated oven and bake for 25 minutes, or until the shells are crisp and slightly browned.
  11. Cool Slightly: Let the tacos cool slightly before eating. They will be very hot, and letting them cool a bit will enhance the flavor and prevent burns.

Tips and Variations

  1. Air Fryer Option: For a different texture, try cooking these in an air fryer. Set the air fryer to 350°F and cook for about 10-15 minutes, checking frequently to avoid burning.
  2. Adjust Baking Time: If you prefer a crisper shell, you can bake them at a higher temperature for a shorter time. Try 375°F for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Add Sweetness: If you don’t mind adding a few points, consider sprinkling a tiny bit of sugar or using a sugar substitute in the apple filling to enhance sweetness.
  4. Experiment with Fillings: While this recipe uses apple pie filling, feel free to experiment with other sugar-free pie fillings, such as cherry or blueberry, for variety.
  5. Serving Suggestion: These tacos are delicious on their own, but you can also serve them with a dollop of fat-free whipped topping or a drizzle of sugar-free caramel sauce for an extra treat.

Nutritional Information (Per Taco)

  • Calories: Approximately 40 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 8 g
  • Protein: 1 g
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Saturated Fat: 0 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 50 mg
  • Fiber: 1 g
  • Sugar: 2 g
  • WW Points: 0 (per taco, based on ingredient choices)


These low-point apple sweet tacos are a delightful and guilt-free way to enjoy a sweet treat. They are easy to make, customizable, and perfect for satisfying your cravings without overindulging. Whether you bake them in the oven or try the air fryer method, these tacos are sure to become a favorite in your household. Enjoy experimenting with different fillings and find the perfect combination that suits your taste!