Embark on a journey to keto culinary excellence with our Ultimate Keto Pizza recipe – a manifestation of flavor, simplicity, and health consciousness. As a beacon of low-carb indulgence, this pizza transcends expectations, offering a crust that’s as satisfyingly chewy as it is guilt-free. Assemble your ingredients, clear your kitchen space, and get ready to create a keto masterpiece that will redefine your pizza experience.


1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella

2 tablespoons of cream cheese, cubed

3/4 cup almond flour

1 egg

garlic powder, onion powder, and mixed herbs for seasoning


Put Mozzarella and cream cheese in a medium bowl microwave-safe bowl.

Stir in egg and almond flour until the dough is combined.

Place a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet or pizza pan. Wet hands and spread the dough thin on parchment paper. It should spread evenly with dough-like consistency.

Poke rows of holes with a fork to avoid bubbles.

Put in 425-degree oven

After 8 minutes check the crust and poke holes if there are bubbles.

Add desired pizza toppings.

Continue cooking for a total of 12 to 14 minutes or until slightly brown and golden

Nutritional Information:

As you relish each bite of your Ultimate Keto Pizza, rest assured that you are indulging in a guilt-free delight. With approximately 12 to 14 minutes of baking time, your keto pizza boasts the following nutritional profile per serving:

Calories: [Caloric Value] kcal
Carbohydrates: [Carb Value]g
Net Carbs: [Net Carb Value]g
Fiber: [Fiber Value]g
Fat: [Fat Value]g
Saturated Fat: [Saturated Fat Value]g
Protein: [Protein Value]g
Sodium: [Sodium Value]mg


Your journey to keto pizza perfection has culminated in a symphony of flavors, textures, and health-conscious choices. As you savor each bite of this Ultimate Keto Pizza, revel in the fact that you’ve not only embraced a low-carb lifestyle but also elevated your culinary prowess. Share this recipe with fellow keto enthusiasts, and let the aroma of your homemade keto pizza fill your kitchen with the promise of delicious possibilities. This isn’t just a pizza; it’s a testament to the art of mindful eating, where satisfaction and health go hand in hand. Welcome to the world of keto culinary excellence – where pizza dreams come true!