Homemade Cottage Cheese Berry Protein Ice Cream: A Symphony of Smooth Indulgence by John Mick


Embark on a journey of frozen delight with John Mick’s Homemade Cottage Cheese Berry Protein Ice Cream, a creation born on October 25, 2023. This culinary masterpiece promises not just a dessert but an experience—a fusion of flavors meticulously curated to dance on your taste buds.

Ingredients Ballet:

The cast for this frozen symphony includes 1/2 Cup of Good Culture 2% cottage cheese (or cottage cheese of your choosing), 1/2 Bottle of Fairlife vanilla protein shake (or any preferred shake), 1 tablespoon of Simply Delish sugar-free instant vanilla pudding mix (or a brand of your preference), 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract, a pinch of salt, and the star of the show—1/2 Cup of My BERRY SAUCE, a delightful concoction that elevates the entire composition.

Equipment Ensemble:

This recipe calls for the expertise of a Ninja Creamy Ice Cream Maker, a magician in the world of frozen creations. Its prowess will transform this ensemble of ingredients into a creamy and protein-packed delicacy.

Choreography of Preparation:

In a culinary ballet, precision is key. Begin by gathering the ingredients and placing them in a food processor or blender. Let the blending commence until a harmonious combination is achieved. The result is an enticing ice cream base that encapsulates the essence of cottage cheese, protein shake, vanilla pudding mix, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt.

Freeze and Transform:

The pint container of the Ninja CREAMi becomes the stage for the ice cream base. Allow it to rest in the freezer for 12-24 hours, letting anticipation build. Once ready, return it to the Ninja CREAMi, where the “light Ice Cream” mode is the director’s cue. Press 2-3 times or until the transformation into creamy perfection is complete. If needed, a splash of almond milk can be added to facilitate the process.

Serving Symphony:

The crescendo of this symphony is the entire pint, designed as a single serving—an indulgence that clocks in at 4 W-W points. The culmination of textures and flavors awaits your senses, promising a journey into the realms of taste and satisfaction.