Blueberry Ice-Cream Recipe


Get a taste of the goodness in 30-second Blueberry Ice-Cream; – its quick, healthy and totally vegan make! Why it is: The ideal thing for a hot day or as a healthy dessert, this raw refined sugar and oil free ice cream helps those out there in search of “desire” that will also be good on the stomach. The recipe is simple, it’s made from only a few ingredients and you can top your toast with all of the fruits that are in season.


  1. Frozen Bananas:
    • 2 parts pre-sliced frozen bananas. Bananas add natural sweetness and a creamy texture to the ice-cream.
  2. Frozen Blueberries:
    • 1 part frozen blueberries. Blueberries provide a vibrant color, sweet-tart flavor, and are packed with antioxidants.
  3. Plant Milk:
    • Enough plant milk to get the blender spinning, typically about 1 inch in the blender. You can use almond milk, soy milk, oat milk, or any other plant-based milk of your choice.


1. Prepare the Bananas:

  • Start by peeling and slicing ripe bananas. Place the slices in a single layer on a baking sheet and freeze until solid. This step ensures that the bananas blend smoothly into a creamy ice-cream texture.

2. Measure the Ingredients:

  • Measure 2 parts of the pre-sliced frozen bananas and 1 part of frozen blueberries. The exact quantities can be adjusted based on your preference and the number of servings you need.

3. Add Ingredients to Blender:

  • Place the frozen bananas and blueberries into a high-speed blender. Pour in enough plant milk to cover the blades, typically about 1 inch in the blender. The plant milk helps to blend the fruits smoothly and achieve a creamy consistency.

4. Blend Thoroughly:

  • Blend the mixture on high for a full 30 seconds. This ensures that the fruits break down completely and incorporate air, resulting in a smooth and creamy ice-cream.

5. Check Consistency:

  • After blending, check the consistency of the ice-cream. If it’s too thick, add a little more plant milk and blend again. If it’s too thin, add more frozen bananas or blueberries and blend until you reach the desired texture.

6. Serve Immediately:

  • Scoop the ice-cream into bowls or cones and serve immediately for the best texture and flavor.

Topping Ideas:

  • Chocolate: Drizzle with melted dark chocolate or sprinkle with chocolate chips for a rich, decadent touch.
  • Nuts: Top with crushed nuts such as almonds, walnuts, or pecans for added crunch and protein.
  • Seeds: Sprinkle with chia seeds, flaxseeds, or hemp seeds for a boost of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.
  • Coconut: Add shredded coconut for a tropical twist and additional texture.
  • Granola: Sprinkle with your favorite granola for extra crunch and flavor.
  • Fresh Fruit: Garnish with fresh berries, sliced bananas, or any other fruit you enjoy.

Customization Tips:

  • Different Fruits: Experiment with different frozen fruits such as strawberries, mangoes, raspberries, or peaches. Each fruit will bring its unique flavor and color to the ice-cream.
  • Flavor Enhancements: Add a splash of vanilla extract, a pinch of cinnamon, or a dollop of nut butter to enhance the flavor of your ice-cream.
  • Sweeteners: If you prefer a sweeter ice-cream, add a natural sweetener such as maple syrup, agave nectar, or a few dates before blending.

Nutritional Benefits:

This Blueberry Ice-Cream is not only delicious but also packed with nutritional benefits:

  • Bananas: Provide natural sweetness, fiber, potassium, and vitamins B6 and C.
  • Blueberries: Rich in antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins C and K.
  • Plant Milk: Offers additional nutrients depending on the type used, such as calcium, vitamin D, and protein.


This 30-second Blueberry Ice-Cream is a fantastic, healthy treat that you can enjoy any time of the day. It’s quick to make, customizable, and packed with natural goodness. Whether you’re looking for a refreshing dessert or a nutritious snack, this vegan ice-cream is sure to satisfy your cravings while keeping you on track with your healthy eating goals. Enjoy it daily with different fruits and toppings, and let your creativity shine in the kitchen!


1. Can I use fresh bananas instead of frozen?

  • No, using frozen bananas is crucial to achieving the creamy, ice-cream-like texture. Fresh bananas will not provide the same result.

2. How can I store leftovers?

  • If you have any leftover ice-cream, store it in an airtight container in the freezer. Allow it to thaw slightly before serving again.

3. Is there a substitute for plant milk?

  • You can use coconut water or fruit juice as a substitute for plant milk, but it may alter the flavor and texture slightly.

Enjoy making and eating this delightful Blueberry Ice-Cream!

Nutrition (per serving)

Approximate nutritional value for 1 serving: Blueberry Ice-Cream(recipe will yield about servings)

Calories: 100

Total Carbohydrates: 24g

Dietary Fiber: 3g

Sugars 14g (all from natural fruit sugars)

Protein: 1g

Total Fat: 1g

Saturated Fat: 0g

Cholesterol: 0mg

Sodium: 20mg

Potassium: 350mg

Vitamin A: 2% DV

Vitamin C: 15% DV

Calcium: 4% DV

Iron: 2% DV